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Easy ways to help!

Easy ways to help!

A few easy ways you can help us raise money are by purchasing through companies which give commission when you do. 

  • Stikins provide a 15% commission rate for every purchase although by using the link here we can double it to 30%. The labels can go on clothes, bottles, bags and anything else you may need to to label. Our fundraising code is 6843


  • Amazonsmile To register, open in your web browser, click Get Started and log in with your usual account. choose The Emscote and All Saints Parent Teacher Association. You can then add Amazon Smile to your phone app via Settings in the main menu.
    At no extra cost to you we get 0.5% on all purchases! And dont worry, we wont know how much you spend, just a quarterly report of how much has been donated. If you need any help please do just email to ask and we will guide you through. 


  • Match Funding 

    Match giving, or match funding, is a simple way to maximise the fundraising efforts of your individual PTA volunteers. It is an informal, albeit corporate, arrangement between a company and an employee. Usually, a company pledges to match a sum of money relating to the amount the employee has either raised or donated to a charity. It is likely that there will be an upper limit and certain criteria applied.

    Generally speaking, banks and building societies, insurance companies, supermarkets, utilities providers, phone companies and car manufacturers are known to offer match-funding schemes.

    We can find something for you to do that fits in around your work and home commitments. Depending on what your company requires we can find an activity such as folding raffle tickets, running a stall at an event or helping at a disco. We can work with you to find a way of helping which is a really easy way for you to help us fundraise. 

    Also if you could let us know if your company does match funding and we can put a list together of local employers who participate. 

What’s on

Unfortunately we don’t have any future events planned at the moment.

Your Committee
  • Mark Weller

    Mark Weller

  • Becky Newman

    Becky Newman

  • Laura Hough

    Laura Hough

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Can you help?

There are currently no tasks to volunteer for

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